Maiden Century


Maiden Century

Well, in cricket, first century is always very special for any Batsman. When I was notified by one of the reader and later by the WordPress as well, that I had garnered 100 followers here, this event is more special for me than any of the cricketer would feel after hitting his first century. The reason is very simple. A cricketer can again hit a century, but this phenomenon is not going to happen again, as I hope, followers will tend to get add on from this tally.

My journey on WordPress, is associated with an incident. I generally preferred, in past,  to keep my poems and other write ups  close to  heart (which I still do, but not all) and occasionally revealed to the people, whom I deemed that they will understand it and value it. I kept my writings in a Diary, which contained nearly all my creations. I lost that Diary in  a journey. I was baffled and frustrated by this happening. Some of the poems I still remember, but many of them have gone forever. Due to that loss, I stopped writing for a while as I was not getting the feeling.  Then came a suggestion from a friend to write a blog, which initially I hesitated. But the fact that it will not meet the same fate of my diary due to its digital nature, I agreed upon.

When I joined WP, I find it a different world altogether. Exciting things happening around. New authors in making. Outbursts of emotions. Improvised writing and many more.

Yet, I find a terminology called “Follower” in WP very vague and unjustified. In my opine, followers in real sense are the appreciator, booster, motivator, critique and even guiding lamp for the author, who through their constant feedbacks encourages writer to improve their writings. By their motivating words, author gets a sense satisfaction, which is the oxygen for them.

On this occasion, when I reach this small yet significant landmark, I thank all of you who appreciated me even when my writing was not so good,  read the whole write ups when it was not very exciting, gave your valuable time when it the is most scarce thing in the world.

Thank you once again!!!

मेरे हिंदी के दोस्तों, इस अवसर पर आपको धन्यवाद कहे बिना तो मैं रह ही नहीं सकता. मेरी अधिकांश रचनाएँ हिंदी में ही है, अंग्रेजी समझ कम आती है और उसमें भावना आना तो मेरे लिए नामुमकिन ही है, और बिना भावना के कवितायेँ नहीं लिखी जा सकती. पर क्या करें फॉलोवर बेस अंग्रेजी से भी है और देश में अंग्रेजी प्रायः सभी समझते हैं खासकर जो इन्टरनेट का उपयोग करते हैं. इसलिए शुरुआत अंग्रेजी से की पर खत्म हिंदी से कर रहा हूँ. हिंदी के प्रति विशेष लगाव है और रहेगा.

आगे भी अपना आशीष बनायें रखें…


53 thoughts on “Maiden Century”

  1. आपको बहुत बहुत बधाई अभय जी मेरे विचार से लिखना उसी भाषा मे सही होता है जिसकी वर्णमाला को आप पूरी तरह से अपना पायें चाहे वो लोकभाषा ही हो 1के आगे हमेशा 0 बढ़ते रहना चाहिये 👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. बिल्कुल सही कहा आपने। बहुत बहुत आभार। आशा है कि आपको मेरे लेख या कविता में रोचकता महसूस होती होगी। ☺️


  2. Congratulations!!
    And what ! you lost your diary, that is something very sad. Because we treasure our memories through our diary. Well, that’s nice, you’ve started blogging. Blogging really motivates and keeps our mind full with beautiful thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.
      Yes I lost my diary but am optimist, hoping it would be in nice condition somewhere ☺️
      Blogging is exciting and encourages to do better. Yet what I have experienced that it is it’s different than writing in diary in many ways.

      Liked by 1 person

            1. Hey I was unaware of your language profile that’s why I mentioned that. Hindi for me, is the best language. ☺️ I have written a poem to glorify Hindi as well.
              You can also go through that, if time permits.

              Liked by 1 person

  3. बहुत-बहुत बधाई | इस ही तरह आप अच्छे लेख और कविताये लिखते रहे, और कामयाबी की सीडी पर चढ़ते रहे |

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