Nature as Teacher

If you think,

“I am alone..

Circumstances are too hostile for me..

I don’t have any inspiration to emulate..

I am too tiny to make a difference..

I doubt myself and I will give up soon .. “

Just have a look at my click, which I captured today. It told me a heck of a story, Did you hear them?



So this image is from today’s morning walk. It’s just the March end and scorching heat has already arrived. Catchment area of various water bodies in the region is already drying up. Water is receding with fast pace, leaving behind the parched lands with big mudcracks. Whenever I take refuge to nature, it always inspires me and awards me creativity. So following is the outcome of today’s inspiration..

धरती, सूखती जल से….

जैसे जैसे तुमसे मेरी
दूरी बढ़ती जाती है
ह्रदय पर मेरे वैसे वैसे
अगणित दरार उभर कर आती है
यूँ तो जग में हर क्षण रवि
अपनी आभा ही फैलता है
फिर क्यों मेरे जीवन में वह
चिर तिमिर ही लाता है?
मेरा शत्रु क्यों बन जाता है!!!

कौन है जल, धरती कौन है और सूरज कौन? आप ही तय कीजिये…

Do let me know your views both on short poetry as well as on click 🙂 Have a happy weekend!!!